How to import Single or Multiple Answer type quiz from EXCEL Sheet?

How to import Single or Multiple Answer type quiz from EXCEL Sheet?

If you want to import Single Answer Type/Multiple Answer Type Quizzes from Excel Spreadsheet in LearnDash LMS. You can easily assign the imported quizzes to a course or lesson or topic. This demo video is for importing Single Answer Type Quiz (MCQs) and assigning them to the various course or lesson or topics.

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Single Choice - Answer Type

Step 1 :  Fill questions and answer options

In the primary step in our single answer choice template. Here you will find Answer Type, Question, Option (a),(b),(c),(d),(e) and Answer column.


Answer Type: Write “single” in the lowercase letter in this column for single answer type questions.

DON’T: If you write UPPERCASE or Capitalized Each Word in Answer type column, your question will not be imported.So, most important is to write single in lowercase this column for single answer template.


Question:  Write actual question in this column. This section is html enabled, so you can embed anything through correct html code.For an example, if you want to embed any audio above/below the title you should paste.

<figure class="wp-block-audio">
<audio controls src="PASTE YOUR AUDIO URL"></audio>

If you want to embed image here, just paste your full URL of the image in the Question Picture column. Your image will automatically embed below the question title, or you can embed image through below mention code

<img src="Your IMAGE URL" alt="Your IMAGE ALT text" height="300px" width="300px">

You can increase or decrease the image height and width.


Option (a),(b),(c),(d),(e) : Write answer options in this column. If you want to embed image in answer options, paste your image Full URL in the Option A picture / Option B picture / Option C picture / Option D picture / Option E picture column. Your image will automatically embed in the answer options.


Answer: Write correct answer by giving A to E alphabet.


Correct Answer Message: You can import correct answer message by filling correct answer message column. If you want to embed an image in this message box, just paste following image embedding code.

<img src="Your image URL" alt="Write image ALT text" height="300px" width="300px">


Incorrect Answer Message : You can import incorrect answer message by filling this column. If you want to embed an image in the message box, just paste following code to embed image.

<img src="Your image URL" alt="Write image ALT text" height="300px" width="300px">


Hint Message: You can import hints message by filling this column. If you want to embed an image in this message box, just paste following code to embed image.

<img src="Your image URL" alt="Write image ALT text" height="300px" width="300px">

Picture Columns (L to Q):
These columns should be filled if you want picture in question and options .


Question Picture: If you want to embed image in the question title, then paste your image URL in this column.
Option A picture:  If you want to embed image in the answer option (a), then paste your image URL in this column.  
Option B picture: If you want to embed image in the answer option (b), then paste your image URL in this column.  
Option C picture: If you want to embed image in the answer option (c), then paste your image URL in this column.  
Option D picture: If you want to embed image in the answer option (d), then paste your image URL in this column.            
Option E picture: If you want to embed image in the answer option (e), then paste your image URL in this column.

Points: If you want to give points of each question, just fill number in the points column, by default it will give 1 mark to each question. 
Category: You can mention question category for each question.
Question Title: This question title column for administrators, it will not show to student or subscriber. This question title is required for edit or update of the questions.
DON’T: Do not give same title in Question Title column.
Quiz Name: Write quiz name in this column.

Step 2 : Assign quizzes to the course, lesson or topic

Course Name: Write exact course title to attach to the course.
Lesson Name: If you want to attach quiz to the specific lesson, then just write exact same title in this column.
Topic Name: If you want to attach quiz to the specific topic, then just write exact same title in this column.
Relevant ID: If you want to attach quiz through specific lesson and topic, then just put that post ID in this column.

How to Import Multiple Correct Answer Type Quiz

This template same as Single Choice template. Please note following information.

Step 1: Fill questions and answer options

In the primary step, you need to fill Answer Type, Question, Option (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and Answer column for multiple choice.

Answer Type: Write “multiple” in the lowercase letter in Answer Type column for multiple answer type questions.

Answer: Write correct answer by PIPE (|) separated.
For an example,
If your multiple correct answer is option a, option b – then write A|B

If all answer is correct – then write A|B|C|D|E in answer column.